January 2013

2013 Resolutions

Life is what it is, no more, no less. We wrap our own specific attitudes and expectations around events. Expectations not being met generates disappointment or internal conflict. This happens to a greater or lesser degree to everybody. There is a method that has been shown to be amazingly simple and effective that involves balancing and clearing the body’s energy. If you could learn this method would you set an INTENTION to obtain RADICAL peace in 2013?

Tell me more!

It’s called EFT. It’s a technique of tapping on a few specific Chinese accupuncture energy points on the body while repeating a phrases in specific formats. People are usually amazed at how quickly and easily they resolve their conflicts – EVEN WHEN THEY DON’T UNDERSTAND THE SOURCE OF THOSE CONFLICTS.

January 2013 Video Demonstration:

This 1:31 minute video shows EFT in action. Can you pick up the change in energy after about 55 seconds?

Click here to watch and learn the basic tapping recipe